Most small systems tend to neglect their light show and only put a few par cans behind the drummer, on either a chase or beat sense. When I designed my small system, I wanted to ensure that adequate attention was paid to the visuals, so I invested in two bars of four COB wash lights, four small Beamz MHL36 moving wash lights, two Beamz Panther 25 moving heads with gobos, a small Derby as an added effect and a Chauvet controller.

I spent a day programming in my garage, but unfortunately the photos don’t do the light show justice.

Don’t forget about our introductory special of the PA and lights, with me operating, for $500.00 – valid until 30th September. The system has been specifically designed for smaller venues of up to 300 people, weddings and RSLs.

© Andy Taylor - Coastal Audio 2023